Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Flower Watchers..

A tender flower grows...
somewhere in the world
Each day, she stretches toward the sun,
 growing more beautiful and special...
each day
bringing a smile to all...
who happen to look upon her

They  are in awe of her beauty, marveling
 at the creation of the Lord...
 Grow my sweet flower..
for you are special..
full of Hope and Faith

Someday there will be one
 who plucks you... for your innocence,
 because  he will want you for his own ..
 he will deprive the world
 of what the Lord has given... us
Or you will find your way... in the world
and understand... that your life is special
 and we...the flower watchers
 will not notice...
because we will have moved on...
 to the next flower

All but flower...
for you will always be in my heart ..
 The memories ...of what we experienced
 will never be another's..
but a special moment known...
only between us

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