Sunday, November 24, 2013

Social Media and the Government..

Is Perception Reality...Or is Reality just our Perception
Many times... to start a political discussion, is to brace for the slings and arrows of those who see your opinion, as nothing but a blatant attack on their way of life, which eventually breaks down into what News organization you are particular to in your life.
As to any media being different from the other...
 is  all in the mind of the beholder.
Judging... how our society views  the current fad of social media,  we should know that the old saying  "Perception is reality " is truer now than ever.
For our current media is biased on the  perception of judging one through the use of innuendo and gossip.. before  they can truly understand the circumstances of  the situation the individual is involved in.
 Knowing that the media is biased ...and as a conglomerate who only  seeks a profit  in order to survive, begs the questions of .. Are they still the  watchdog of  Government.. for the people ?
 Are they asking the right questions.. or have they become enamored with the popularity  of social media, forgetting their primary job of finding the waste and fraud of Government..
or are they only  turning mundane  happenings of the ordinary day to  day circumstances of life... into the perceived  fashion of sensational news .. only to receive higher ratings.
Now our country has changed  much and we have grown  the government into a massive  behemoth.. that spends billions of our tax dollars ..mostly frivolously  on pet projects and political crony payoffs to the extent that corruption and scandal have become commonplace.  Our society  has become so involved in the social media culture, especially the younger generation.. that you can say that the media has brainwashed our children,  by  keeping them so distracted on the issues that are important only to certain political people in power and not the problems that face our society which will eventually bring our way of life as Americans  to an a conspiracy between the government and media which can not be denied.
The government machine has gotten so huge ...that the line has been blurred  between the reality of perception and the truth we deserve to know about our government, this brings to forefront.. who is watching  the government  now, since the media has  jumped into the bed with the political elite.. fawning over and making stars of the political leaders who serve as our public servants.
We the people need to understand that the media have lost their fundamental understanding of investigation and  reporting on the  massive fraud that  we now support.
 It will lead to a revolt sooner or later  and when the economy collapses  then and only then will we realize that we were sheep in love with the one technology that could have saved our society , if we had only perceived it as so.. not for social change, but  to pull back the curtain our government has  hidden behind  all the while.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely on this Michael. See that...a liberal and conservative have something in common. The media is not an unbiased eye on what is happening in the country or the world. It does depend on what channel you watch. Reporting is not reporting anymore, there is an underlying bent on the direction the reporter wants to lean toward. I know this is not a political story but look at the Amanda Knox case in Italy, all the Italians I know who live there think she is absolutely an evil. A vile thing that killed her roommate in a depraved sex encounter. Here in America, me and I think most Americans believe Amanda is innocent, caught in circumstance. The media in Italy portrayed her as evil, here she was innocent college student. We believe what the media tells us because they are supposed to be reporting, not judging. However, the corporation who owns the network is the one driving the ideas they want to convey.
    I don't know so much about a revolt, I would have thought there would have been one already with the happenings that I have seen in the time I have lived here. It seems that the younger generation is too busy on Facebook and photographing "selfies" on their iphones, rather then taking political stands and fighting for their rights as citizens. They submit to their jobless "fate", hang up their college degree on the wall and live at home with their parents. Parents who are more than happy to coddle them from any type of pain or work.
    Everyone is so soft now...melting their minds into social media, while the sharks are having a feeding frenzy.
    Situation in America is dire...I'm more worried about the psychopaths in power and ones who are gaining their strength in the wait for the next election. They will have a mindless mass that they will and can easily control.
